
Nuclear Energy for Latvia

Online conference, May 18, 2022

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity
Albert Einstein



Note that times are in Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)

11:00 - 11:10

Conference opening
Jānis Vitenbergs, Minister for Economics of the Republic of Latvia
Artis Pabriks, Defence Minister of the Republic of Latvia

11:10 - 11:30

Energy challenges during the energy crisis and critical climate change: "green" nuclear energy as a long-term solution for baseload capacity
Andris Šternbergs, Dr. habil. Phys.,Vice-President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia

11:30 - 11:50

SMR deployment in Estonia for Baltic power consumers
Kalev Kallemets, PhD, CEO at Fermi Energia

11:50 - 12:10

Perspectives for the use of nuclear energy in capacity provision
Māris Balodis,  Dr. economy, M. Eng., Research and Development Director at Latvenergo AS

12:10 - 12:30

Small modular nuclear reactor technologies
Dr. Eng. Oļegs Linkevičs, Professor at Riga Technical University, Head of Development Department at Latvenergo AS

12:30 - 12:50

Why radiation is safe and everybody should embrace nuclear technology
Wade Allison, D Phil at particle physics, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Fellow of Keble College, Oxford

12:50 - 13:00Break
13:00 - 13:20

Institutional and energy policy framework for the possible introduction of nuclear energy in Latvia
Gunārs Valdmanis, Dr. in Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources Law, M. Ing., Executive Director of Latvian Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors

13:20 - 13:40

Poland's pragmatic approach to environmental challenges
Adam Blazowski, M. Eng, engineer, enterpreneur, publicist

13:40 - 14:00

The rocky road of nuclear energy
Dr. Phys. Visvaldis Grāveris

14:00 - 14:20

ICONDE — New concretes for nuclear and radioactive waste management application
Andrejs Krasņikovs, Dr. Eng., Professor at Riga Technical University

14:20 - 14:40

The importance of nuclear for a decarbonized grid
Meredith Angwin, M. in Chemistry, Author and Energy Analyst

14:40 - 15:00Conference closing



Wade Allison

D Phil, Particle Physics, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Fellow of Keble College, Oxford
He spent his research career in experimental and theoretical Particle Physics at CERN and in the USA. He is listed as the author of some 245 scientific publications on ResearchGate. He is author of books "Radiation and Reason",  "Nuclear is for Life" and "Fundamental Physics for Probing and Imaging".


Andris Šternbergs

Dr. habil. Phys., Vice President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
He is a laureate of the LAS Grand Medal, he has been the director of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia for almost 15 years, currently the deputy director in the field of science. Author of more than 250 scientific publications He has studied radiation defects in various materials at the Salaspils nuclear research reactor. He is the Scientific Director of the Latvian organization of the European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy EUROfusion, as well as the Latvian representative on the Board of Fusion for Energy (F4E) in Barcelona.


Meredith Angwin

M. in Chemistry, Author and Energy Analyst
She worked on lowered pollution and increased reliability on the electric grid, pollution control for nitrogen oxides in gas-fired combustion turbines, and corrosion control in geothermal and nuclear systems. She is author of books "Shorting the Grid: The Hidden Fragility of Our Electric Grid", "Voices for Vermont Yankee" and "Campaigning for Clean Air: Strategies for Pro-Nuclear Advocacy".


Kalev Kallemets

Ph.D. in energy economics, co-founder and CEO of Fermi Energia.
He has been working in private and public sector in Estonian private energy company, Ministry of Economic Affairs as deputy director of Geological Survey of Estonia and as Member of Parliament of Estonia. Is author of several publications regarding to energy production and economy.


Adam Blazowski

M. Eng, engineer, enterpreneur, publicist.
Has been working with energy efficiency, clean energy and Smart City solutions for the last 15 years. Currently develops smart energy managment tools for local energy communities, combining latest hardware and software innovations realizing projects in several European countries. Cofounder of FOTA4Climate and RePlanet Board Member environmental NGOs.


Visvaldis Grāveris

Dr. Phys., Was a researcher at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia and an expert of the Radiation Safety Center of the Latvian Environment Agency
Participated in the development and monitoring of the Latvian Radiation Monitoring and Early Warning System for inland water, soil and air radiation measurements. Collaborated with the International Atomic Energy Agency and European Radiological Data Exchange Platform. Represented Latvia in the Council of the Baltic Sea States and in the Expert Group on Nuclear Radiation Safety.


Māris Balodis

Dr. economy, M. Eng., Research and Development Director of Latvenergo AS. Participated in the development of Latvian and regional transmission network development programs, the rationale for the reconstruction of the Riga CHP and the Daugava HPP, the pre-project research of the Baltic regional liquefied natural gas terminal and the Visaginas NPP. Member of the Generation and Environment Committee of the European Electricity Industry Association, member of the Board of the Latvian Association of Electricians and Energy Builders, representative in the Association of Electricity and Heat Producers. Member of the Latvian National Committee of the World Energy Council and scientific editor of the journal "Energy and the World".


Gunārs Valdmanis

Dr. energy, environment and natural resources law, M. Ing. environmental science
Executive Director of Latvian Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors. Was acting as Deputy Director of the Energy Market and Infrastructure Department of the Ministry of Economics. Has been journalist for Latvian Radio and several print media ("Diena", "Dienas Bizness") and news agencies. Managed SIA "Mediju Monitorings". Is the author of several publications on security and economic policy.


Oļegs Linkevičs

Dr. Eng., Professor at Riga Technical University, Head of Development Department at Latvenergo AS
Has conducted research in power plant and microgrid operation modeling and development of modeling algorithms. Author of 55 scientific publications. Participated in Visagina NPP project working group and in trainings of different nuclear reactor technology developers. Provides training for students in the basics of energy, electricity generation and transmission, power stations and substations. Member of VGB Power Tech e.V. technical council and working group of the EURELECTRIC Association.


Andrejs Krasņikovs

Dr. Eng., Professor at Riga Technical University
Works at Dept of Theoretical mechanics and Strength of materials in RTU as a specialist in materials and composite concretes. Full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, where was also Vice President. Author of more than 230 scientific publications and 30 patents for inventions. Is Head of the Latvian national mechanical committee. Was the head of the Concrete mechanics laboratory, now is working on a new generation of radiation shielding concretes on Innovation in concrete design for hazardous waste management applications (ICONDE) project.



Ansis Bogustovs

Journalist at RadioLatvia and TV24




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